Wednesday 24 February 2010


I have been spending the last 3 weeks at Classic FM, our classical music network.  I'm filling in for someone away on holidays.  I'm really enjoying the chance to work on some large classical recordings - something we don't get much of a chance to do at Radio National.  I was trained in classical recording at uni, but I haven't had as much professional experience in that area as I have had in recording contemporary music and jazz.  So I'm pulling out a lot of long lost information about classical recording techniques.  And learning a lot.  It's great.


Ak said...

Oh... really. Well... good luck to you with that.

BTW I went to Circus Oz last night and the guitarist, bass, sax etc player was that guy Tom who has done casual ops for RN. Crazy hair and beard. He might not have worked for a while but was before I left.

Now that is moonlighting. He was great! Got hooked onto a wire and flown across the stage shredding a guitar solo.

goldy said...

I can't remember anyone called Tom. But I would like to fly across the stage playing bass.

Ak said...

Sorry, Carl Polke.

4th person down.

goldy said...

Yaeh i remeber him. Also known as big swifty.