And to hear the program we made about the ABC recording sessions with Vic talking about his experiences and bits of the recordings I made click here. Unfortunately the online audio is a bit distorted, not my fault.
Sound, music, photos, life, and whatever takes my fancy.
And to hear the program we made about the ABC recording sessions with Vic talking about his experiences and bits of the recordings I made click here. Unfortunately the online audio is a bit distorted, not my fault.
Quick lesson in speaker design – they have a great big whopping magnet in them. Ok that’s enough.
Back to the good ol Jupiter’s Theatre. RF and I had to change a speaker one afternoon. We climbed up on the catwalk high above the stage. I stayed safely behind the rail, while RF swung out over the stage to access the speaker. The is was before the days of strict OH&S so no harnesses or anything. We didn’t need to change the whole cabinet, just the speaker inside. Anyway I was there to grab the dead speaker from RF once he unscrewed it and hand him the new one. Catwalks are made of steel.
I thought I’d put the new speaker down until I needed to hand it to RF because it was quite big and heavy. That magnet was huge. And then it was like a slow motion film with RF reaching back over to me and yelling “NNNOOOOO DDDDOOONN”TTTTT PPPUUUT IIIIT DDDOOOOOOWWWN” (sped up version is “no don’t put it down”) Too late. Stuck. Great whopping magnet and steel catwalk. Bad. I couldn’t get it off.