I've been reading the internet lots about ear infections lately, since mine have been such an issue. An interesting internet sourced piece of information - most ear infections are viral, not bacterial, so taking antibiotics is useless, in fact, often does more harm than good because they lower your immunity and increase the risk of a relapse.
Here are some non drug methods I've read about or tried for curing my middle ear infections since the two lots of antibiotics I was on didn't work.
1. put a garlic clove or piece of ripe onion in your ear (not so small or far in so that it gets stuck or touches the ear drum, that would be very bad.) Apparently the fumes have germ killing abilities.
2. Drip some coconut oil in your ear. If you suspect you have a perforated eardrum best not to do this. Coconut oil is supposed to have anti viral and antibacterial qualities. Also good to take it internally.
3. Dilute some oil of oregano in olive oil and rub inside your ear canal. Not so much that it drips onto the ear drum as it's extremely potent. Oregano oil is also meant to be anti viral and anti bacterial and good to take a few drops a day internally for immune system.
4. acupuncture - I've had good results with acupuncture for health issues before.
5. See an osteopath. If your neck and back muscles are all jammed up this can impede the drainage of the eustachian tube. I felt a huge improvement in my ear drainage after a treatment. I mean osteopath in the the Australian sense, not the American sense, they are different over there.
So I've been trying a few of these things. My ears smell like a tropical herb garden at the moment.
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