Friday 18 December 2009

Christmas Recipe Meme

I don't even know what a meme is.  But I've been tagged for one.  By Ally.  By golly I hope I spelt that right.

I have to do this -

1. Link to the person who ‘tagged’ you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Post your favourite Christmas recipe – something traditionally festive or something that has become a tradition in your house.
4. Tag four people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged by commenting on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know the entry is posted on your blog.
7. Post your own Christmas recipe within a week of being tagged to keep this on the move.
Well, the thing is, we don't cook in our household at Christmas.  We eat seafood.  You buy it, as close to the day as possible, if not on the day, pack it on ice with collanders underneath so the water drips out and the seafood doesn't go soggy.  Then you arrange it on a platter.  Then you eat it.
The tricky thing is cutting up the crabs.  You have to get all the guts and gills out.  Luckily they have their own builtin can opener thing.  The flap undernneath - pull it up and then pull the top shell off.  Then cut the body down the middle and then run it under a tap to wash away the gills and yukky stuff.
Ok here's the recipe bit -
Cocktail Sauce to dip the prawns and crab in.
Some mayonnaise
Some tomato sauce
Some worcestershire sauce
Some lemon juice
Some pepper.
Mix it all up. 
Sorry, no quantities, but you use mostly mayonnaise and add bits of the other things till it tastes good.

Now the tricky bit is finding 4 people to tag who haven't already been tagged.  Ummm  Soph, Alison, Bonnie, and Nix.


allyson adeney said...

Thanks Goldy... sound awesome!
Ally <'v'>

Alison said...

I'm a bit late, but I've gotten around to posting mine :)