Wednesday 28 April 2010

The Swell Season

Yeah I know this happened weeks ago, but I've got a bit of catching up to do on my life experiences.  This blogging thing is after all so that I can remember what has happened in my life.  So, easter monday at the Opera House from the very back row right in the middle I watched the Swell Season. I loved it.  It was one of those concerts I wasn't sure how much I was going to like it, but I did.  Ali has written things about the concert that I can't be bothered writing. In short, they sounded Irish, because most of them are, so the music has that Irish sound about it.  The fiddler from the Frames did a fiddly solo which I loved. There was too much kick drum in the mix, probably because we were on the back wall.  But you'd think the opera house would have perfect acoustics.  Haha wink wink. NOT.  UUUmm ... they write nice songs and play well.  If you want a taste of who they are, watch the movie "Once".  And the bit in the movie where they are in the recording studio take the cassette of their recording for a ride in the car to hear how it sounds in the car stereo - stuff like that really does happen.  We used to go on many a car trip around the block to listen to the mix. And here's one you can watch on youtube, not the whole band, but still cool.

Check out his totally shredded guitar.

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