Tuesday 14 October 2008

Great Mistakes #3

Thinking back to my time at the casino again, I started laughing when I thought about some of the crazy jobs I had to mix. One of the classiest acts was the Manhunt and Queen of Clubs competition. Totally himbo and bimbo stuff.

The manhunt involved guys showing off their bods and this included a modelling spot - The first guy up for the night was prancing around like he really thought he was so amazing. Except for the bit when he completely misjudged the edge of the catwalk and fell off the stage into the front row of the audience. Woops. Hee hee.

Actually, talking about people falling off stage Humphrey Bear made an appearance at the Johnny Young Talent school end of year concert and yep, poor humphrey fell off the stage that night. There were a lot of very worried 4 year olds who thought humphrey was dead. But don't be silly it wasn't the REAL Humphrey - it was just a guy in a bear suit pretending to be Humphrey.

I seem to also remember a particular Swedish magician falling off the stage during a rehearsal in Sweden. No one knew what to do. Do we just pretend it hasn't happened? Or do we all rush to help? The place was silent while we all waited to see if he'd get up or just lie there... Only a bruised ego.

Then in the girly night club competetion, each girl had to present herself in an original way. This one girl went for the Barbie theme. Yep, it really was a night of intellectual performances. She had the Barbie song playing - "I'm a barbie girl, in my Barbie woooorrlld..." And she came on stage riding in a pink Barbie car. We had completely lost it in the audio booth. Oh yeah i nearly forgot to mention the bubble machine. Awesome. All of my life mistakes just fade into complete insignificance.


matt said...

The bubble machine is a nice touch. Shame she didn't drive the car off the stage too.

goldy said...

Oh yeah that woud've completely topped it off!