Friday 10 October 2008

Hard Quorum

Around Easter time in 2006 I agreed to help a couple of friends out recording a podcast. The proposal was to record a series of 6 podcasts and post them once we have recorded all 6. Around easter time this year we recorded the final episode. It took 2 years to record 6 podcasts! Althought the first episode has only just gone up because it took so long for matt to do the editing. I was involved because of being a sound type person and I had some equipment, so Matt and Joe offered payment in the form of a 6 pack. Sounded like a good deal to me.
So they rock up to my place that first Sunday afternoon, with a 6 pack of Easter buns. Not quite what I expected, but the precedent had been set. The next time after they finally arrived, a bit late because they had forgotten I’d moved house and turned up at my old place, we managed 2 episodes. Payment was a 6 pack of wild turkeys. Things were getting better.
Next time I was presented with a 6 pack of eggs.
The final time, Joe insisted we start early, because he had things to do. We waited an hour for him to show up. The 2 final episodes were done!!!! Payment? 6 pack of fruit juice poppers. Awesome.
Anyway the person giggling in the background is me. We weren’t trying to be too professional about it. I also join in the singing now and then. Aaah my moment of fame has finally arrived. For some reason they call me the producer. I didn't really do anything of the sort. I recorded it and giggled. Oh and I made the theme music. Although you cant really hear the genius of it because they faded it under the taking.
What’s it about? I’m not sure. Oh yeah, discussions about Christian issues. Of a kind. Lots of questions asked, no answers given. When Matt asked me what I thought about the first episode, I think I said something like "could’ve been funnier" .
Hard Qorum - things could be better. Here it is -

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