Friday 19 December 2008

Communion #2

I really felt I need to do a follow up to my original post on communion. I turns out people do actually read my blog, and my minster saw it. He passed on my communion post to the person responsible for communion and I received an email of apology! Wow, this blogging thing really is powerful! Apparently they are rethinking the way we do communion.

I would like to say here that I think communion is an important time for us to remember what Jesus did for us when he died for us, and I never wanted it to become a comedy. But good laughs do come out of serious things.

My Dad, like me, is a red wine lover, and also a retired minister, so therefore loving red wine can’t be a sin. (White wine on the other hand is purely evil). He loves telling the story of the time he came to my church and we were all sitting around tables and on each table was a bottle of red wine and a plate of Turkish bread for communion. He has this idea that we have really stylish communion. Not anymore. Anyway I’m not expecting top grade port, but I don’t remember the communion wine tasting so bad when I was growing up. But I was probably too busy trying to avoid the gooblies floating around in the common cup to worry about the taste. But according to my Dad they always had a reasonable quality port.

1 comment:

Alison B said...

In almost a total agreement with your assessment of white wine, but I have tasted a very nice white port, "Peter Van Gent Mudgee White Port" if my memory serves me correctly.